
Personal Discovery, Stepping Into Your Power and Creating Scalable Brands

BY BossBabe

The BossBabe Podcast Episode 014




  • What it takes to have a brand that is scalable.
  • The necessity of personal discovery and company vision for success.
  • The importance of reading and book recommendations.
  • Forming your business culture around your values.
  • Stepping into your power with positive affirmations.


In this week’s episode, co-founder of BossBabe Natalie Ellis chats with Jon Boles, founder of Avintiv Media whose passion lies in building brands. They deep dive into the journey that has led him to where he is today. From pivotal moments in childhood and young adulthood to accidentally starting his first business and making over a million in revenue the first year to becoming a serial entrepreneur in tech, consulting, e-commerce, fitness and media, he’s taking us down his prescribed path to happiness.

We get insight on how Jon has launched eight brands in the last ten years. Jon shares the significance of reading for personal self discovery in regards to business and successful entrepreneurship and his book recommendations for getting started. They chat openly about the human need for approval, control and security and gaining confidence and stepping into your power. Jon shares what it takes to have a brand that is scalable and how to balance your soul with operations and marketing in bringing your vision to life.

“Nobody has it figured out, you just have to start” JB

This episode is sponsored by IGA. A twelve week accelerator designed to help you grow and monetize your Instagram account. www.instagrowthaccelerator.com



The must-listen podcast for ambitious women
working on their businesses and careers.

the bossbabe podcast



Pour your favorite latte and join us for honest conversations that take you behind the scenes of building successful businesses, achieving peak performance and learning how to balance it all.

Currently creating the woman I want to be. Excuse me if I become extremely protective of myself, my time, and energy.


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