
The Exact Steps I Took to Making My First Million

BY BossBabe

The BossBabe Podcast Episode 116



  • How Olanikee and Liv started their entrepreneurial journey and scaled their businesses to 7-figures before 30
  • Why self-education and investing in yourself are two of the most important things for entrepreneurial success
  • The secret to selling, which is less about strategy and more about sharing your personal story + transformation 
  • How Olanikee and Liv used organic marketing to build their businesses in the early stages 


We’re back with another bonus episode with two amazing ladies that were in our Soul, Strategy + Success Mastermind, Olanikee Osi & Liv Conlon.

Both women have achieved what many believe to be unattainable. Before they turned 30, Olanikee and Liv both scaled their businesses to 7-figures. Liv has a service-based business staging homes and Olanikee has two businesses, an app called SelfishBabe and a women’s holistic wellness company.

Join us as we discuss their journeys as young female entrepreneurs and how they were able to make the seemingly impossible, possible. Spoiler alert – they credit their path to profitability all to hard work, committing to their goals, and most importantly, believing in themselves (which means that it’s possible for you too!).

We’ll also touch on the importance of self-education, pivoting with the market changes, investing in yourself, and recognizing that there are a million ways to make millions of dollars.

This episode will definitely inspire you with the self-belief that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. Both Olanikee and Liv serve as an example of “what’s possible for her, is possible for me”.

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The must-listen podcast for ambitious women
working on their businesses and careers.

the bossbabe podcast



Pour your favorite latte and join us for honest conversations that take you behind the scenes of building successful businesses, achieving peak performance and learning how to balance it all.

Currently creating the woman I want to be. Excuse me if I become extremely protective of myself, my time, and energy.


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